The web development community has embraced React.js, a popular JavaScript toolkit for creating user interfaces, to a great extent. The following is an extensive list of subjects associated with React.js:
Introduction to React:
- What is React?
- Why use React?
- React's virtual DOM
Setting Up React:
- Installing Node.js and npm
- Create React App
- Project structure
- Functional components
- Class components
- JSX (JavaScript XML)
- Props and state
Component Lifecycle:
- Mounting, updating, and unmounting phases
- lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount)
State and Props:
- Managing state in class components
- Props and prop drilling
- Using
hook for functional components
- Custom hooks
Event Handling:
- Handling events in React
- Synthetic events
Conditional Rendering:
- Using
statements - Ternary operators
- Logical && operator
- Using
Lists and Keys:
- Rendering lists
- Keys in React
Forms in React:
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Form handling and validation
React Router:
- Setting up routing in React
- Route parameters
- Nested routes
State Management:
- Context API
- Redux for state management
- Actions, reducers, and stores
- Middleware
- Connecting React with Redux
React Hooks in Depth:
Styling in React:
- Inline styles
- CSS modules
- Styled-components
Testing in React:
- Jest and Enzyme
- Testing Library (e.g., React Testing Library)
Error Boundaries:
- Handling errors in React applications
Server Communication:
- Fetch API
- Axios
- GraphQL
Optimizing Performance:
- Memoization
- PureComponent and React.memo
- Performance best practices
Security in React:
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection
- Avoiding common security pitfalls
- Building and deploying React applications
- Hosting options
- Introduction to Next.js
- Server-side rendering (SSR)
- Static site generation (SSG)
React Native:
- Introduction to React Native for mobile app development
This list provides a broad overview of the key concepts and topics in React.js. Keep in mind that React is a dynamic ecosystem, and new features and best practices may emerge over time. It's always a good idea to stay updated with the official React documentation and the community discussions.